marți, 26 iulie 2011

How MMS works - video presentation

A new very interesting and comprehensive video  report on how Kalcker Andreas Ludwig founding member of the NGO type "EARTH HELP PROJECT"  founded in Berlin, Germany. Presents a way to help third world health issues and energy (alternative energy), methods which have applicability in the Western world for a better global economy.

ANDREAS KALCKER, El milagroso Dióxido de cloro, ciencia y espíritu nov2009 from La Caja de Pandora on Vimeo.

He worked 90 years at the Centre for New Technologies in Barcelona (Cerdanyola), and was a member of the Institute for Research in Exobiology in Barcelona. He lectured on "Riding Club" in "La Pedrera" and plastic surgeons in Catalonia and in the "Erasmus University" in Brussels, among others.

The main theme is the use of chlorine dioxide (MMS) in the successful treatment of many diseases, some untreatable by allopathic medicine. Includes medical discoveries beyond imagination. This miracle mineral supplement (MMS), although Jim Humble has discovered it by chance, is now studied by various scientific health groups worldwide.
This film announces the start of an expedition in many countries and continents in the world to gather as many information about the effects of MMS and the idea of being promoted along with alternative energy technologies.

joi, 14 iulie 2011

Introduction into the world of MMS - Interview with Andreas Kalcker

Friends of MMS:

We write because we want to inform you about this therapeutic principle named MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement - Miracle Mineral Supplement) and to help you understand how it works. Also we need your help not only to promote this product, but also your testimony can convince other people that using it can have truly maraculous effects.
MMS is a relatively new discovery made ​​by the famous Jim Humble in Africa, where he saved hundreds of lives from  terrible diseases and many of them without treatment.
In the following we present a short interview with one of the leading figures in the world of MMS in the person of Mr. Andreas L. Kalckar, on treatment with chlorine dioxide (ClO2-) active element of the MMS. Founding member of the NGO (project help the planet) of Germany, is very involved in helping third world in the fight for health and energy.

Knowledge of the therapeutic use of chlorine dioxide was very limited in the first 10 years after its discovery. With Jim Humble's interview by Project Camelot, in 2008, many of us, if not most, have been able to find the existence of MMS, and especially the possible uses of chlorine dioxide in such a broad spectrum of diseases.
Normally, many people that first hear about MMS are skeptical, especially because "it sounds too good to be true" ...
It is therefore of major importance that the information be as clear as MMS to be neither overestimated and people consider it a panacea, nor to be underestimated and ignored because for some of us MMS could make the difference between life and death.

For these reasons we decided to get involved in this phenomenon we called "MMS" - (Miracle Mineral Supplement Miracle Mineral Supplement or) that in recent years has grown very large and continues to do so worldwide.
Thank you in advance for your attention.

miercuri, 13 iulie 2011

The Herxheimer Effect

Herxheimer effect (important comment about detoxification)

Sometimes when a person first begins to ingest a large amount of MMS or other powerful detoxifier, chlorine dioxide ions are extremely effective in cleansing the body of pathogens, heavy metals and other ballasts that the body no longer remove , storing them in adipose tissue, intestines, etc.

If the body is extremely intoxicated or sick, do not rush to give out all at once. If pathogens are killed too quickly, the 5 channels to eliminate them (like liver, kidneys, skin, lungs and intestines) could be temporarily overloaded by toxins resulted from MMS's action, causing a short "healing crisis" through flu symptoms, skin irritation, headaches, dizziness, nausea or cramps. All these symptoms should dissapear soon.This effect is called "Herxheimer" - aka "the Wellness Syndrome. " They are so called after Dr. Karl Herxheimer, who first identified the phenomenon. It is the result of the death of tens of millions of pathogens that remove toxins  when disintegrated. Elimination is so rapid and widespread that the body is unable to effectively process
the toxins occurred, quickly enough to prevent the symptoms described above.Diarrhea may occur because the body tries to cleanse itself. In this case you just need to reduce the amount of MMS until the healing crisis has passed and then start to increase the dosage in small amounts, increasing gradually.This purification process can be helped by ingestion of large quantities of pure clean water every day to help the body eliminate the millions of toxins appeared. Regular emptying of bowels is required to free us from the detoxification discomfort. Also an enema is welcome. Decide to exclude from your diet refined carbohydrates (white sugar, refined white flour and products derived therefrom, etc.) and saturated fat.  Avoid eating vitamin C or foods containing it while on treatment with MMS, and foods rich in antioxidants, especially artificial ones. MMS is a strong oxidizer and if we intake vitamin C or any other antioxidants you will not be harmed, but they will eliminate each other and the body will not benefit from the effects of either. Strive to do more exercise. If the opportunity is given, your body will amaze you with its ability to self heal.

Important notice: The Herxheimer effect is not a toxic reaction to MMS. In fact, the Herxheimer effect will trigger a  toxic reaction , but not to MMS but against infections that are rapidly cleared from the body. It is important to note this difference, especially if the person wants to treat a chronic disease.